Tag Archive for: social media

How @replies work on Twitter (and how they might)

@replies are used for Twitter conversations. You can send an @reply (@twitterusername) to direct a message or question etc. to anyone (even if they are not following you)

Remember to click on your @reply tab to see tweets directed to you. Read more

Are you making social media too hard?

Visiting client’s property in a rural area recently, Parker spotted a black king snake. He snapped a picture of the nonvenomous — but shockingly long — snake slithering through the grass, and posted it to his Facebook page. Read more

How long can you afford to ignore social media?

How Social Media is Upending the Enterprise | Fast Company.

Yeah, tweety facey spacey bloggy stuff is a real time sapping drag or so it seems perhaps to those not wanting to delve into yet another internet fad. What I hear most: “I don’t have time” Translation: I don’t want to learn something new. I know, I remember when there wasn’t enough time to learn how to program the VCR, use a computer, use email or the internet.