SEO (search engine optimized) Indexible listings

Property listing data is engineered for easy search engine discovery. Listings are never “framed in,” giving you full search engine credit and helping build your site’s ranking. Each Property Detail page has the listing address built into the URL to maximize SEO. Plus, all IDX data appears under the custom domain of your WordPress site, boosting your SEO results.

Neighborhood – Market Area Niche Pages

Featured Listings and Top Picks pages create your site’s index of listings for search engines to crawl. Easily add Top Picks pages for the neighborhoods and subdivisions you work to optimize your ranking.

Social Media Optimization

Social sharing is encouraged to build external links. Visitors can easily share listings on Twitter, Facebook and any social media site.

Facebook Search & Featured Apps

Enhance your Facebook Business page with full MLS/IDX property search and display of your featured listings. Searches drive visitors to your website.

Mobile IDX Site

A customizable mobile website that brings full MLS / IDX search, listings and more to visitors using any smartphone. No need for an expensive app that’s a hassle for consumers to download.


*IDX integration requires an IDX subscription with IHomefinder or IDXBroker.

IDX MLS Vendor

IHomefinder Sign-Up This is the link you use if I’m integrating IHomefinder IDX into your website. It will save you the sign-up fee $99.00

IDX Coverage: IDX for Real Estate Websites

WordPress Hosting

All packages require you order a hosting account here: HostGator Premium WordPress Hosting (20% off)